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Power Hitting Program

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✓  Recommended For:

This 6wk power hitting program was developed for hitters seeking to redefine their swing AND teach you how to hit at any level. There are two components to offensive production - swing enhancement and hitting approach. This program improves both. Although there are varying aspects to age specific hitting development, this program takes into consideration your (1) age and (2) future offensive requirements. You can increase your training experience by adding a strength, arm care, or cardio program (see below).

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» Age: 9 & up.
» Level: Pro to Youth.
» Type: Hitting.

» Sport: Baseball & softball.

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» Intensity: Abide by program directives to ensure proportionate recovery & workload rates.
» Equipment: Program requires usage with prescribed equipment for maximum results.

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3.0 Recovery & Injury Prevention Guidelines:

→     If you experience extended soreness during this program:   

Cut back on rep amounts or intensities FIRST.
Cut back on drill amounts SECOND.
If soreness still persists, take days off & then start again THIRD.
If you experience sharp pain or injury, seek medical advice or stop the program until re-evaluation.
Athletes actively in season must carefully monitor recovery rates.


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Development Team:

» Developer: VPX Baseball.
» Consultants: Jim Parque (MLB player & current trainer), Sean Taunt (NCAA baseball coach), Allan Wirtalla (MLB strength coach), Gerard Cressey (kinesiologist),
Simeon Walker (baseball analytics), and Jayson Roublette (pro hitting coach).

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Program Overview:

Over 15 years of data, research, and on field results have gone into this program's development. A complete pro grade swing enhancement program that teaches you how to hit for power and approach your offensive game correctly. Developed from MLB experience and expertise, this program has eight separate training components per day. Each component develops important aspects of hitting, as this is not just a swing development program.

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Performance Benefits:

» Philosophy: Teaches MLB swing mechanics & hitting approach.
» Mechanical Fixes: Targets linear & rotational hip movements, hand path, and swing plane.
» Improvements: Focused upon impact hitting. Increased power & exit velocities.


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✓  Directives:

This VPX Power Hitting Program lasts 8 weeks. Start at the beginning of the program for best results. Program is sectioned into three phases that last four weeks each. Each day, you will complete 8 different training components (described below). Each component training circuits that target specific hitting skills. Complete each training component IN ORDER: (1) Daily Warm Up, (2) Daily Flex, (3) Tee Work, (4) Swing Development, and (5) Hitting Performance.

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Training Components:

» Daily Warm Up: Creates blook flow for the day.
» Daily Flex: Stretches your muscles.
» Tee Work: Drills that sequence your swing mechanics.
» Swing Training: Develops MLB swing mechanics.
» Hitting Performance: Teaches the MLB hitting approach.


→   The following are explanations of the acronyms utilized within this program that denote usage, intensity, and effort directives.  

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(BH) Back Hip VPX Training Harness Usage:

1. Put the VPX Training Harness foot strap on your back foot and secure.
2. Strap the VPX Training Harness waist belt over your belly button and secure.
3. Make sure the belt's D-rings are located on the bottom of the waist belt and pointed downwards. Ensure the belt is snug around your waist.
4. Position the waist belt D-rings to be located on your (1) back hip and (2) middle of your back. There are 2 D-rings sewn into the waist belt.
5. Attach one bungeee to the waist belt D-ring located on your back hip. Clip the bottom of this bungee to the D-ring (of your foot strap) located on the outside of your back foot's ankle.
6. Attach the second bungee to the waist belt D-ring located in the middle of your back. Clip the bottom of this bungee to the D-ring (of your foot strap) on the inside of your back foot's ankle.
7. Ensure there is little to no sag of your waist belt. A little sagging is okay, but too much sagging requires tightening of your waist belt.

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(FH) Front Hip VPX Training Harness Usage:

1. Put the VPX Training Harness foot strap on your front foot and secure.
2. Strap the VPX Training Harness waist belt over your belly button and secure.
3. Make sure the belt's D-rings are located on the bottom of the waist belt and pointed downwards. Ensure the belt is snug around your waist.
4. Position the waist belt D-rings to be located on your (1) front hip and (2) middle of your back. There are 2 D-rings sewn into the waist belt.
5. Attach one bungeee to the waist belt D-ring located on your front hip. Clip the bottom of this bungee to the D-ring (of your foot strap) located on the outside of your front foot's ankle.
6. Attach the second bungee to the waist belt D-ring located in the middle of your back. Clip the bottom of this bungee to the D-ring (of your foot strap) on the inside of your front foot's ankle.
7. Ensure there is little to no sag of your waist belt. A little sagging is okay, but too much sagging requires tightening of your waist belt.

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(PEL) Perceived Effort Level:

The amount of effort or intensity level per rep. 100% is max intensity pitching. 90% are controlled high intensity swings. 80% are medium intensity swings that feel your hands throughout their entire ROM. 70% are phase specific swings that feel your entire swing’s movement planes

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Clipped or Unclipped:

» Clipped: Refers to actively having your VPX Training Harness bungees clipped for either (BH) or (FH) usage - as described above.
» Unclipped: Refers to unclipping all VPX Training Harness bungees so that you are not actively training with any harness resistance.


Training Program Phases

Daily Warm Up

Daily Warm Up starts your blood flow and gets your muscles engaged for the day. Each exercise focuses upon a specific athletic movement plane to increase flexibility. The below exercise routine is to be done each day of the week that you train.

Focus:  Activates blood flow and gets your body ready for mobility.

» Exercises:  Each exercise is to be done for 20sec total.
» Recovery:  Ensure that you rest for 5sec in between exercises.
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| Why VPX Developed This

"Blood flow is crucial to athletic mobility. By warming up your kinetic chain before stretching muscle groups is elite level training and this is why we developed a Daily Warm Up - to get your body moving before we stretch you out!"


Drop Skips engage your hip flexors and improve hip mobility. Hip power and flexilibility improves your overall athletic ability because lower half energy transfer rates require peaked hip performance throughout all movement planes.
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Technique:  Alternate between left & right pictures for a total of 10 yards.

» Duration:  20 seconds total. Rest 5 seconds before starting next exercise.
» Benefits:  Engages hip flexors & rotational support.




High Leg Swings develop your entire leg movement to efficiently support lower half kinetic chain reactions. By increasing range of motion in your hamstring and quadricep response, this exercise optimizes lower half movement planes.
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» Technique:  Alternate between left & right pictures for a total of 10 yards.
» Duration:  20 seconds total. Rest 5 seconds before starting next exercise.
» Benefits:  Engages entire leg. Improves range of motion.




High Skippers are a kinetic leg drive exercise that engages your calves and knee joint support. By warming up the lowest portion of your kinetic chain, energy transfers from the ground up develop proper pathways through your entire body.
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» Technique:  Alternate between left & right pictures for a total of 10 yards.
» Duration:  20 seconds total. Rest 5 seconds before starting next exercise.
» Benefits:  Improves kinetic leg drive & calf power.




Butt Kickers develop muscular response within your hamstring and quadricep firing rates. Syncing the motor patterns of these muscle groups to transfer energy is crucial to developing elite speed and power within athletic performance.
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» Technique:  Alternate between left & right pictures for a total of 10 yards.
» Duration:  20 seconds total. Rest 5 seconds before starting next exercise.
» Benefits:  Engages hamstrings. Improves sagittal movement plane.




Carioca focuses upon the rotational movement plane of your hips and entire lower half. Syncing lower half response rates to your movement tempo maximizes joint support and stabilizes fast twitch muscular response in your kinetic chain reaction.
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» Technique:  Alternate between left & right pictures for a total of 10 yards.
» Duration:  20 seconds total. Rest 5 seconds before starting next exercise.
» Benefits:  Increases hip mobility & elastic force loading.